Canadian job opportunities

Employment profile of international students in Canada

Compared with other countries, Canada has relatively loose regulations on the employment of international students, because Canada itself is a country that welcomes immigrants, and young students who have completed higher education are really a source of vitality for this sparsely populated country. , so you can enjoy the following job opportunities while studying in Canada.

.Working on Campus

Full-time students studying degree or diploma programs can work part-time in the school they are studying without obtaining a separate work permit.

  1. Working off Campus

The off-campus work program promises foreign students studying in certain public colleges and universities to work off-campus during their spare time.

.Cooperative education (CO-OP for short)

In principle, after you submit an application, you can legally work part-time for no more than 20 hours a week. The paid internship depends on the cooperation plan between the school and the company. Overall, the employment conditions are already quite good. Joining the paid internship program is even better. It is a good opportunity to stay in Canada in the long run.

It is much more likely to transfer to a regular job after graduation through internship than to find a new job. In addition, Canada also proposes for university graduates to study for two years and apply for a three-year job This means that after two years of study, students can apply for a three-year work visa even if they haven’t found a satisfactory job, so that students have a lot of leeway to find a job. What’s even better is that when you work in Canada After one year, you can apply for Canadian experience category immigration and permanent resident status.

In other words, to study, work, and immigrate to Canada, as long as you plan properly, there are almost no obstacles in regulations. If you seriously want to consider immigration It is a smarter way to study in Canada first, because if you are not a student and want to apply directly to Canada for work or immigration, you must pass the assessment of the Canadian government. In the immigration application, there are only skilled immigrants and investment immigrants. Skilled immigrants are regarded as As the government’s needs change, the threshold for investment immigration increases every year and is not necessarily passed. It is almost guaranteed to study abroad and then immigrate.

canadian job opportunities

Canada as a whole is a country founded on agriculture and forestry. It has a huge basic industrial chain in agriculture and industry, and because there are still many areas to be developed, it can be said that as long as young people are willing to work, almost all jobs can be done. Canada, the United States, Australia The blue-collar class is also respected, and the treatment they receive is often higher than that of the white-collar class. If students still think that they should earn more than the blue-collar class after studying in college, you may be disappointed in the end, because these professionals only need to join the guild.

Guaranteed, the salary you get will have a certain price. On the contrary, office workers or the service industry are not necessarily the same. Office workers have to rely on their own skills, and the service industry has a low basic salary and relies on tips and dividends to increase their income.

2016 Canada’s Highest Paying Job Rankings

Recently, the U.S. employment rating network Glassdoor released a list of high-paying hot jobs in 2016. These include traditional high-paying jobs, such as pharmacists and lawyers, as well as high-tech jobs, such as technical analysis managers and solutions architects.

According to Workopolis, a Canadian job search website, these vacancies are also high-paying positions in Canada. The job market demands of the two countries are relatively similar. For reference, most of these high-paying jobs require a college degree.