Tips for successful job hunting in Canada

To Apply on Monday, interview in the morning

Finding a job is a headache. Some people say that finding a job is the hardest job in itself. Especially in Canada, there are many skilled investment immigrants, hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Under such fierce market conditions, it is really not so easy to find a job that suits you, majors, and good income. But luckily, living in the Internet age, there are actually many easy ways to obtain information about potential job opportunities.

Tips for successful job hunting: apply on Monday, interview in the morning

Finding a job is difficult, a reality that young Canadians have to face. After finishing their studies by working part-time and taking out loans, finding a job as soon as possible is what people are eagerly looking forward to. However, there are some tips and tricks to increase your chances of job search success. It takes an average of 4 months to be hired.

How long does it take, on average, for job seekers to find a job at this stage? Of course, this deadline varies from person to person and occupation, but there are some commonalities after all.

It is reported that from sending out a job application to finding a job, the shortest time is only 2 days, and the longest time can be more than 1 year, but for most people, it takes about 4 months. Of those surveyed, 50 percent said it took almost four months to land their most recent job.

The survey also revealed that at least 10 job applications and two interviews are required for a person to be hired faster. Another 30 percent said they landed their current job after five or more interviews.

Nowadays, people apply for jobs online.

The survey found that Monday is the best time of the week to send job applications. According to statistics, job applications submitted on Monday have a 10% higher chance of getting an interview than other days. Saturday was the worst day, with job applications sent out on Saturdays having a lower chance of being interviewed than any other day of the week.

2% enter the interview

On average, only about 2% of applicants who apply for the same position get an interview. More and more companies now use software to do the first round of filtering of incoming job applications, rather than manual screening, so resumes that don’t contain “keywords” that employers value will be the first to be filtered out. Among the resumes selected by computers, recruiters will only select 20% of them for interviews, and 80% of job applications will be eliminated. Get an interview in the morning If you do end up being interviewed, the chances of success are higher in the morning than in the afternoon.

Studies have shown that employers tend to give higher marks to the candidates they meet first. If the employer has already met the stronger candidates in the morning, they will give higher marks. Those who have the same level but are interviewed in the afternoon The chances of people getting the same high score will decrease.

Of course, the time of the interview is determined by the employer, but if it is scheduled for the afternoon, you may wish to politely “fight” for the possibility of scheduling it in the morning.

40 minutes interview

A typical interview lasts about 40 minutes, but it has been reported that the first 30 seconds after meeting the interviewer are critical. In these first few seconds, the interviewer already has a first impression of you, and the rest Time is up to you, rely on your own performance to try to leave a good impression on the employer.

After the interview, 24% got an answer from the employer within a week, and 42% got an answer within two weeks. However, a significant number of people never get any response from the employer after the interview. Job hopping is beneficial for promotion, changing careers 2-3 times in a lifetime

The survey also found that the average Canadian has about 15 jobs throughout their career. According to the survey, staying in the same company for a long time is not conducive to promotion, while frequent job-hopping is conducive to promotion. If a person wants to promote a position, 88% of the cases need to change employers