How to apply for a work permit to Canada?

According to Canada’s “Immigration and Refugee Protection Act”, non-Canadians can engage in a specific job within a certain period of time under the condition of holding a work permit. But the basic principle is that job vacancies in Canada should be filled by Canadians as much as possible, and foreigners should only be considered when the position is not filled by qualified Canadians. Immigration Canada and Human Resources and Skills Development (HRSDC) are the government departments responsible for job applications, If you need to work in Canada, you must apply for a work permit. First, applicants must have an offer letter from a Canadian employer.

After receiving the employment letter, HRSDC will usually provide a labor market assessment or simply confirm the legality of the employment letter held by the applicant and determine whether the employment will be beneficial to the Canadian labor market. For example, if there is a shortage of computer programmers in the market and the applicant does have this skill, the applicant may be able to obtain a work permit. Foreign citizens who want to work in Canada must hold a work permit issued by the Canadian government, which allows foreign citizens to work in Canada for up to three years. Work permits are limited to specific job positions and for a specific period of time and must be obtained prior to entering Canada.

As technicians, professionals or business workers who apply to work in Canada, after arriving in Canada, they must engage in jobs that comply with the regulations of the work permit. If they lose their jobs or change to another job for some reason, they must report to the immigration The Bureau reapplies for a work permit and submits a report on the various activities to the Immigration Service. If the person concerned does not comply with the regulations on the work visa issued by the Immigration Bureau, he may be prohibited from working in Canada within one year. After obtaining a temporary work permit for three years, you can apply for permanent residence.

During a temporary work stay, health insurance can be purchased and unemployment insurance can also be enjoyed. Foreign companies or joint ventures established in Canada usually have to send their own personnel to participate in all or part of the operation and management work. The “Canadian Immigration Act” and related laws have strict regulations on this. Only those who meet the regulations and obtain work permits In order to go to Canada to engage in various business activities of the company.

The validity period of the work permit visa is usually 1 year, and in some cases, the immigration office may also issue a work permit for more than 1 year to 3 years. Before the visa expires, you can directly apply for an extension to the immigration office in Canada. Work permit visas are generally allowed to be extended twice, each for 1 year. If the person needs to stay in the post, he must leave the country and go through the relevant procedures again. It is easier for foreign citizens who hold senior management positions to obtain work permit visas. Applicants should hold senior administrative and manager positions in the head office or related enterprises for at least one year. For some special jobs, the Canadian government also allows the issuance of work permits. The advantage of applying to enter Canada as an international company personnel is that you can avoid the occupational employment approval process of the Canadian Employment Center. The disadvantage is that most visas allow a stay of no more than 3 years.

A work permit must be obtained prior to entering Canada. The basic procedure for obtaining a work permit is: the company submits an application, and after being reviewed and approved by the Canadian Immigration Service, it is issued by the Canadian embassy abroad. Once an employer decides to recruit employees, it should first publish a job advertisement in Canadian newspapers for at least three consecutive weeks. If no Canadians come to apply or the applicants do not meet the requirements, the employer can apply to hire foreign workers. After finding a suitable candidate, the Canadian employer must apply to HRSDC and provide all relevant details of the foreign employee, including name, date of birth, address, job duties, working conditions, salary standards, qualification certificates required by the employee, etc.